How To Handle A Speeding Ticket In New Jersey.
Getting a speeding ticket in New Jersey can cost you a lot more than you think, so it’s important to carefully weigh all your options before pleading guilty and paying the fine. In addition to the fine you’ve paid, the points on your license from speeding tickets can cause your insurance rates to go up and have many other negative repercussions. That’s why it’s important to speak to an experienced New Jersey traffic violations attorney as soon as possible after getting a speeding ticket. Call Allan H. Kanan, Esq. at 201-551-8460 for a free consultation.
Penalties For Speeding In New Jersey
Fines for speeding in New Jersey are stiff, starting at $85 for 1-9 mph over the limits, up to $260 for driving 35-39 mph over the posted limit. Additional fees include:
● A mandatory $33 fee for challenging the ticket;
● A surcharges for drivers with six or more points of speeding tickets during a three year period; and
● A surcharge of $150 for every point over six.
Points are assessed based on how much above the speed limit you’re charged with driving. In addition, the offense will appear on my driving record for the rest of your life, making you ineligible for employment that requires a “clean record.” Insurance companies usually raise their rates by at least 15% for a single speeding ticket with two points, and rates can go up much more for more severe offenses. That’s why it’s important to speak to an experienced New Jersey traffic violations attorney about getting the charges reduced or dismissed. Call Allan H. Kanan, Esq. at 201-551-8460 for a free consultation.
Hire A New Jersey Traffic Violations Attorney.
In addition to heavy fines and surcharges, a conviction for speeding in New Jersey can impact your finances for the rest of your life. An experienced traffic violations attorney can investigate the facts of your case to determine whether there are grounds for dismissal or reduction of the points charged against your license. Call Allan H. Kanan, Esq. at 201-551-8460 for a free consultation.